11.21.24 Information Sharing Session
Southeast Alaska Landslide Working Group – November 21st, 2024 Agenda
Facilitator: Allison Bidlack
Record Meeting (Share with folks that the meeting will be recorded to put on the substack site)
Substack Share, getting the word out about information sharing monthly meetings
Shared on SSP
Substack Link: https://seaklandslideworkinggroup.substack.com/about
Prince of Wales Sharebacks
Allison Bidlack
Eric Hamar, Organized Village of Kasaan
Quinn Abudara, Shaan Seet Incorporated Natural Resources Coordinator
Kenneth Weitzel, Tlingit and Haida Geoscience Coordinator
Ann Wyatt, Klawock Cooperative Association
Gabe Canfield
National Landslide Working Group Shareback
Ron Heintz and Luka Silva
USGS Grant Opportunity
Coordinating grant application to prevent duplication, coordination with DGGS
Four grants are given in the US each year
In person Southeast Alaska Landslide Working Group Meeting - March 11th and 12th, 2025
Subcommittee structure conversation
Emergency Response and Recovery
Research, Monitoring, and Risk Maps
Climate and Data Collection
Future Facilitation - Who wants to share next?
Next Meeting – Date: 12/19 and Facilitator? Travis Eckhoff (DOT)