01.30.25 USGS Landslide Program and Mapping in Alaska
Facilitator: Tess Hostetter, Tribal Liaison and Engagement Coordinator, USGS, Alaska Region
SEAK Landslide Working Group Updates
Jess Kayser Forster and Lisa Busch to share about SLIP Conference Promotion and spreading the word
SEAK LWG Activities over the last month, updates on the organizational structure, etc.
USGS Introduction
Tess Hostetter, Alaska Regional Tribal Liaison
USGS Alaska Landslides Program
Dennis Staley
USGS National Geospatial Program, Alaska Mapping and Modernization
Brian Wright, Alaska National Map Liaison
Helpful Links
Next information session: February 27th, 2025 @ 8 am AKST
Join on Teams - Meeting ID: 213 957 495 547 Passcode: p57DEG
Main Speaker: Deanna Nash | Scripps Oceanography
Deanna is improving understanding of meteorological conditions during atmospheric rivers that result in extreme precipitation and increase the risk of impacts such as landslides and floods.